Reunited with Tony Robbins 20 years later
WOW… I have just completed another 4 days in a Virtual Unleash the Power Within seminar by Tony Robbins. The last Tony event that I attended was Life Mastery in Hawaii in 2001.
I am forever grateful to my parents for inviting me to join them at UPW 20 years ago, and encouraging me to go to all of Tony’s other events. I remember my Mum telling me that she knew that what I would learn on those events would change my life forever. She was right.
Fast forward 20 years and I was attending the virtual UPW with my husband and two young sons. As Tony got us all up and dancing like our lives depended on it, I jumped around on the same rebounder that I had shipped back from Life Mastery in Hawaii 20 years ago. I often feel Tony’s influence in my own life and I honour his gift to humanity immensely.
I love passing this high energy onto you
I LOVE being immersed in this super high energy frequently in all the workshops I teach and witnessing people’s lives changing as they learn energy healing.
The participants that attend my workshops multiple times truly get the benefit of training their mind, body and spirit to hold this high frequency of energy as their dominant state.
Attending a workshop again and again will absolutely give your the ability to sustain the energy required to maintain your highest potential.
Here are some takeaways from UPW for you to enjoy:
- Repetition is the mother of skill
- Energy is Power
- Maintaining a high amount of positivity in your life requires high level of energy. When our energy is high it is a lot easier to tap into our potential
- By repeating any skill we train our nervous system to anchor this state
- All energy really is, is a habit
- Momentum is power and is the secret to success
- Energy flows where focus goes
- Everything in your life is controlled by the quality of your emotions
- Choose to live in a beautiful state
- The best way to progress is through total immersion
I welcome you to join me on any of the upcoming workshops that you feel called to attend. Each workshop will uniquely deepen and widen your ability to bring much more energy into your life.
It is an honour to share this journey with you!