Set ONE goal now for 2020 – let’s energise this together
Ask your higher self now what is the ONE single most vivifying life goal that you can focus on in 2020?
You will know it is the the ONE because it puts a massive smile on your face every time you think about achieving it. This has been called The Smile Test!
Multiple goal setting has its place however often the result is the foundation being laid for many projects with not enough energy being created towards any one in particular.
So ask yourself this question now…
What is my Hi Chi goal for 2020?
It will help to meditate before you ask this question so that you are very relaxed and your intuition can flow easily.
Listen to the 7 minute free Hi Chi Love Breath meditation here to open your heart and access your flow of inspiration easily.
Be accountable!
Once you have your big goal I would invite you to write it in the comments below, under where I have written mine!
Once you write it down it begins to become real. I will check on each comment regularly and help keep you inspired – we all will! There is so much power in energising each others goals. That is just one reason why I love this Hi Chi Collective!