The Energy of Clarity – what is it you really want
So often when I am mentoring others about an aspect of their life I can see straight away what needs to change. The first step to creating a new vision is to be totally clear about what it is you really want.
I say what it is you really want, because often we are asking for things because we think we should ask for them.
If something is taking a while to manifest in your life that you have been asking for then I invite you to ask your higher self “do I really want this?”
When our conscious mind and our higher self are giving out two different messages then our “pipelines” become blocked. Each time we set an intention and say a prayer we create a pipeline or a vessel to receive what it is we asked for.
When we are truly aligned with our prayers and have a very genuinely high desire for what it is we are asking for, then they tend to appear straight away in our lives. Delays happen when we give out mixed messages to the Universe.
Aligning our head and our heart
When our head and heart align, we align in that moment with Universal law and we receive our highest wishes in this present moment.
It is worth sitting in a state of Hi Chi and regularly asking yourself “what do I really want to happen today? The relief and release we get from that level of direct self honesty creates a space for healing and miracles to occur.
I call this being a Hi Chi Magic Mirror of Clarity and it is a vital and essential step of learning to set divine intentions that manifest with speed. Remember that as soon as you connect with your heart and your higher self, you will always know what it is your want.
In Hi Chi we keep our pipelines clear and our vessels open by using our Hi Chi techniques to be clear, present and in a state of heartfelt Love.